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While blurry images can be caused by poor focusing, perhaps the number one reason for blurred pictures is camera shake. This video explores how to avoid blurry images and how to get sharp photos using a simple rule.

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 My Tamron 24-70mm is so sharp that I've wondered if it's sharper at 50mm than my EF 50mm f/1.4 prime lens. So I put it through the test to find out.

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So you think getting a camera, a model or subject and taking a picture is about all there is to photography? It's a lot more than that. There are rules, that if followed will enhance your photographs. I'm going to focus on a few Rules of Composition in this article.

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Check out my opinion of Adobe Lightroom CC/6 facial recognition. I believe this is the first iteration of facial recognition for Lightroom so I expect updates to make it better.


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If you've followed me for the past couple years, you probably know that photography is a big part of my life. I love it. If you've looked at my flickr page you'll see that I like making photos of everything from wildlife to street photography to portrait photography. One genre of photography that is blatantly missing from my portfolio is wedding photography. Ahhh... wedding photography. I say it with a strong yearning to give it a try. Problem is I have no weddings to shoot. As I look around the Internet I see photographers with great looking wedding portfolios and I long to present mine. Problem is I don't have a wedding portfolio to show.

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ef 100mm f2.8 prime lensIs the Canon EF 100mm F/2.8  (non-L version) prime lens a portrait lens or macro lens?

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my gearTrying to decide which DSLR camera to buy? One of the considerations to ponder is whether to buy a crop sensor camera or a full frame camera. Or perhaps you're considering upgrading from a crop sensor camera to a full frame camera.

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If you shoot professionally, semi-professionally or are a serious photography enthusiast then a fast f/2.8 24-70mm zoom lens is a must for your photography kit. The Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 Zoom Lens is the perfect alternative to the much more expensive Canon 24-70mm f/2.8.

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Shoot 'em with a Canon!

If you are going to shoot anyone today, Shoot 'em with a Canon! or a camera of your choice.

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