Sponsor a Photo Op
at your Hair Styling Salon
This is a fabulous opportunity for your to promote your brand, show off your skills, and give back to your customers.

- Pick a date - Pick a date far enough in the future to give your customers adequate time to schedule
- Inform your customers - This is up to you. You may want to inform a select group of existing customers or use this as a marketing opportunity for new customers only. The photo op can be a low keyed quiet event or you can make it a festive event, complete with hors d' oeuvres, music and other fun activities.
- Have your customers sign-up - We will both want an estimate of how many of your customers plan to take advantage of this opportunity. I recommend using a sign up sheet that captures your customer's name and email address. I prefer to have the photo sessions scheduled so that everyone who signs up will have an equal photo opportunity. I will be delighted to provide you with a sign-up sheet.
- Designate an area for the studio - This photo op will consist of upper-body photos only. The minimum amount of required space is an area at least 6' x 8'.
- After the Photo Op - Proof will be uploaded to a designated area on frankwhitephotography.com where your customers can download their pictures. All proof pictures will contain an unobtrustive Frank White Photography watermark.
WHAT WILL THIS COST ME? The photo session is absolutely free to the salon operator. However, I will charge your customers for print orders and high resolution digital files. I also may get new business once your customers view my work.
Please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me at (919) 530-9821 so we can get started.