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painted doll face x-A lot more work goes into portrait photography than you might think - at least when I process the picture.

When I first started in digital photography I once read that the photographer spends 20% of his time shooting and 80% of his time editing. I find that to be absolutely true. I would like to retouch every single portrait photo that I present to my clients. Since some shoots consist of hundreds, even thousands, of pictures, retouching all them is impractical. Since editing photos can be labor intensive, I'll usually present a group of the best photos untouched, and you (the client) can choose which photos you'd like. That prevents me from wasting time on photos you don't want.

Retouching, depending on the client, can be as simple as removing a blemish or two, to whitening yellowish teeth (some people naturally have more pigment in their teeth than others) and eyes, removing stray hairs, lent and other distractions. To enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, I may enhance the color and add a sparkle to them. Some clients occasionally will ask that I remove excess body matter for a thinner look. I believe a portrait should present you looking your absolute best, without distractions. 

There a really big difference between a candid photo and a portrait. Candids should portray you in your natural element, un-posed, unrehearsed, while portraits portray you at your best.

What's your opinion. How much Photoshop retouching is acceptable? Fix ALL flaws, or remove blemishes and pimples, or no touch up at all?.Kaleena headshot